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techy 09-19-2006 04:57 AM

cyberJAMZ downloads have arrived!
<img src="">
<font size="4"><b style="color: maroon">cyberJAMZ downloads are here!</b></font>

<img src="cj_archives_screen.png">

Please click the link below to subscribe to cyberJAMZ downloads for $10.99 (USD) a month. <a href="">You may cancel anytime</a>** and may re-subscribe as often as you wish.

Once you have finalized the subscription process through PayPal you will be emailed a username and a password instantaneously. At that point just login at the <a href="" target="_blank">cyberJAMZ archive page</a> and choose the file to download. Just point and [right] click, it's that easy. Downloads via FTP are available 24/7, unrestricted and fully accessible even if the archives are busy.

<b>Please note:</b> If you have any issue like not receiving the activation email, <a href=" JAMZ Downloads Technical Problem">please drop me a note</a> or a <a href="">private message</a> as soon as you can. This issues happens sometimes due to spam blocking by your ISP since the emails are automatically generated.

<b>Broadcasters:</b> You do NOT need to sign up to access the downloads. Simply use your broadcaster login and you'll have full access.*

<font size="1"><i>*Subject to broadcaster participation</i></font>

Please click the graphic below to begin.

<iframe style="height:31px; width:62px" src="downloads.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>


<font size="1">**Account Cancellation happens immediately and you will not have access to your account even if you have a few days left on your subscription. This is simply because of the automation package and the way it is set up. If you plan on cancelling your subscription, it is recommended you do so on or close to the renewal date. The renewal day is the day on which you singed up. For instance, if you signed up on the 16 of September your next renewal day is the 16 of November and therefore it is recommended you cancel on the 15th of November and take full benefit of your remaining subscription.</font>

acelawren 09-19-2006 02:28 PM

Playlists please
Good to see the mixes are now available to download. Why'd it take so long ? :)

I will join eventually but ask in return that all DJ's send in track listings for their shows. We are all in the game and all need help with finding music. i know that some shows will require reams of words but it's a professional paying site now and we (well myself) try to keep up to date and add to our collections so any help is appreciated. Help a brother out !!!!!!!!
E-Phi, Jamie 3:26, Unified.... i will pester you less for titles if you leave lists for your shows. :D
Y'all Keep up the good work.:cool:

London listening !!!!!!!

techy 09-19-2006 02:51 PM

Thanks for the feedback acelawren! Most of the dj's do post their listings on the <a href="">playlist forum</a> but compliance is not mandatory so.. :o However, they also have their contact info on the <a href="">dj page section</a> and you should contact them and see if they can provide one for you.

As for the BIG delay in deploying this, there were a few technical hurdles to overcome that have now been overcome :)

Best Regards!

Blackwax 09-20-2006 06:29 AM

TYechy your Pms are full!!

Hi techy good work on the downloads

one quick question i cant remmember my user and password as its autimaticly saved on my home pc (im at work)
please can you advise me of what they are so i can acces the downloads


techy 09-20-2006 06:40 AM

You have a PM and thanks for the heads up on my PM box.


Originally Posted by Blackwax
TYechy your Pms are full!!

Hi techy good work on the downloads

one quick question i cant remmember my user and password as its autimaticly saved on my home pc (im at work)
please can you advise me of what they are so i can acces the downloads


soul oasis 09-20-2006 10:30 AM

Plz check your email Nestor and phone messages..thanx.

Blackwax 09-20-2006 11:27 AM

Thanks Techy all working good!! :)

techy 09-20-2006 03:54 PM

Great to hear! Enjoy :D

Originally Posted by Blackwax
Thanks Techy all working good!! :)

zixy 09-22-2006 12:04 PM


m.latty 07-28-2008 07:23 PM

Hi techy..downs loads are great..but how would you be able to burn to cd with the long set times? wonder if you can find me a track iv been huntin for for months and months and months..Rock with you, micheal jackson..havent a kclue whos remixed it..but neff's played it and oj united spirits has too..yours gratefully Mo...:rolleyes:

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