CyberJAMZ Forums

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soul oasis 09-05-2010 12:05 PM

Cyberjamz Radio Toolbar is here !
With this Cyberjamz toolbar, people can stream channel 1 or 2, chat, read Cyberjamz news all WITHOUT having to go on your page. They can be on any page they want, but Cyberjamz is always up.
Here is the link:
Download it , give it a test run and let me know.
THE ONLY GLITCH is that people have to individually set the GREEN radio player to Ch. 1 - here are the instructions:
To configure your GREEN radio player, please follow these simple instructions:

1. Click on GREEN radio player and select "Add and Edit Stations."

2. Click on "Define you own station."

3. Paste this URL in the URL box: .

4 In the "Name" box, type in "Cyberjamz."

5. In the "Stream" box, select "Media Player" - you must have Windows Media Player for this to work.

Any feedback or suggestions will be taken into consideration.If you would for Cyberjamz to link up your label or music page please let me know so I can add it to our toolbar.

soul oasis 09-05-2010 01:04 PM

Spread the word !

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