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techy 10-19-2006 02:34 PM

Re: Did someone hack Cyberjamz?
Since I can't post <a href=";f=33;t=020806" target="_blank">over there</a> I'll put my reply here :D

cyberJAMZ did not get hacked yesterday. I have been implementing new "AJAX" tags to dynamically refresh content on the cj site. Since I'm pretty new to using this technology (actually a collection of) I made a few configuration errors along the way.

In very technical terms, I was using PHP/MySQL to handle the AJAX refresh requests and therefore spawned queues 80, 90 and 100+ and thereby clogging up the CPU with requests. Instead, I should have let IIS handle all these requests because IIS is designed to handle the requests this way.

Additionally, the new Flash Media Server to handle the voice and cam system on the chat room was putting an additional strain on the system. Here's what I did to remedy the situation:

1. Reconfigured to let IIS handle AJAX
2. Moved the Flash Media Server to another computer all together
3. Disabled unneeded services on the main CPU
4. Tweaked the php scripts to take advantage of IIS's speed

As of today, the server is running 'cool' or the CPU is back to normal and there should be no further problems. All the resources of the server have been given priority to the archives and the live stream primarily as before.

During the next few weeks I will be implementing more dynamic content using AJAX and take this site to another level altogether. To the critics of the newer features, I hear you. However being the 'Techy' that I am, I refuse to "scale-down" or compromise on features just because it gives us occasional hiccups. In the end all problems have a resolution and in this case it was simply a matter of being more in tuned with what the new technology has to offer. Let the other sites "play it safe" we're on a different paradigm and intend t stay ahead of the curve ALWAYS!

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