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Tim Blaq 08-09-2007 03:56 AM

Intel Mac running Virtual Winows... test Server - is it still available
Hi Techy,

I was wondering if the test server was still available? I have tried the old settings and I get "can't find server" errors.

I am trying to test if I can connect to CJ braodcast server from my Mac through a Virtual Windows machine.

Tim Blaq 08-09-2007 04:02 AM

screen cap of error

This is the error I get using the 'live' settings on VM Ware - Virtual Vista (tried on my last show)

techy 08-09-2007 02:47 PM

I think I wrote you a PM on this a week ago. However you should NOT use the 'live' point, that is ONLY for production. Use the 'livetest' to test out.

Also, you need the hotfix for vista and windows media encoder. At the download page of the media encoder you'll see the link to the hotfix for vista.

All setting should be exactly as listed here:


Originally Posted by Tim Blaq (Post 3695)

This is the error I get using the 'live' settings on VM Ware - Virtual Vista (tried on my last show)

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